Foundations of English, 2nd Edition
The modernized and enhanced content of the second edition of Foundations of English engages today's learners through innovative instruction and includes a revised discussion of sentence errors, pronouns, and research styles, including a brand-new section: Applying APA Styles and Formatting. This edition incorporates multiple new features that encourage active participation and challenge students, including Chapter Projects and Exercises, a full index, a glossary, and a student answer key.
Foundations of English aims to develop the essential skills that all students need: managing time and organizing work, reading and thinking critically, understanding grammar and punctuation, writing confidently, and researching productively. The reading level is accessible, the instruction is practical, and the examples are relevant. Learning Style Tips and Helpful Hints give students tangible study strategies, while Reflection Questions, Group Activities, and Further Resources encourage students to think deeply and apply concepts to school, work, and everyday life.
Formats: Software, Textbook, eBook, Guided Notebook
Product | ISBN |
Software + eBook | 978-1-64277-570-9 |
Software + eBook + Textbook | 978-1-64277-569-3 |
Software + eBook + Guided Notebook | 978-1-64277-574-7 |
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Study Skills
- 1.1 Understanding Different Learning Styles
- 1.2 Determining Your Personal Learning Styles
- 1.3 Understanding and Reducing Stress
- 1.4 Keeping Yourself Organized
- 1.5 Managing Your Time Effectively
- 1.6 Taking Notes and Annotating Texts
- 1.7 Using Effective Study Strategies
- 1.8 Reducing Test Anxiety
- 1.9 Taking Advantage of Campus Resources
- Chapter 1 Review
Chapter 2: Reading Skills
- 2.1 Preparing Yourself to Read
- 2.2 Using Visual Clues
- 2.3 Reading Actively and Purposefully
- 2.4 Deconstructing Topics, Ideas, and Details
- 2.5 Identifying Organizational Patterns
- 2.6 Using Context for Unfamiliar Words or Phrases
- 2.7 Using Word Parts for Unfamiliar Words
- 2.8 Making Inferences about a Text
- 2.9 Recognizing Types of Main Ideas and Evidence
- Chapter 2 Review
Chapter 3: Critical Thinking
- 3.1 Identifying Purpose and Tone
- 3.2 Analyzing Argumentation Strategies
- 3.3 Identifying Bias
- 3.4 Evaluating Evidence
- 3.5 Understanding the Basics of Logic
- 3.6 Recognizing Logical Fallacies
- 3.7 Analyzing and Evaluating Visuals
- Chapter 3 Review
Chapter 4: Grammar and Mechanics
- 4.1 Understanding Nouns
- 4.2 Understanding Pronouns
- 4.3 Understanding Verbs
- 4.4 Understanding Adjectives and Adverbs
- 4.5 Understanding Prepositions
- 4.6 Understanding Clauses and Conjunctions
- 4.7 Identifying the Characteristics of Sentences
- 4.8 Identifying Common Sentence Errors
- 4.9 Using Consistent Subjects and Verbs
- 4.10 Using Consistent Pronouns and Antecedents
- 4.11 Using Correct Pronoun Reference and Case
- 4.12 Using Commas
- 4.13 Using Semicolons and Colons
- 4.14 Using Apostrophes
- 4.15 Using Quotation Marks, Parentheses, and Brackets
- 4.16 Using Ellipses, Hyphens, and Dashes
- 4.17 Using Capitalization and Italics
- 4.18 Using Abbreviations and Numbers
- 4.19 Using Basic Spelling Rules
- 4.20 Spelling Commonly Confused Words
- 4.21 Proofreading Sentences for Grammar
- Chapter 4 Review
Chapter 5: Style
- 5.1 Determining a Writing Style
- 5.2 Using an Appropriate Tone
- 5.3 Maintaining Consistency in Tense and Person
- 5.4 Correcting Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers
- 5.5 Using Word and Sentence Variety
- 5.6 Using Parallelism, Coordination, and Subordination
- 5.7 Using Active and Passive Voice
- 5.8 Emphasizing Words or Phrases
- 5.9 Choosing Clear, Concise, and Vivid Words
- 5.10 Using Inclusive Language
- 5.11 Proofreading Sentences for Style
- Chapter 5 Review
Chapter 6: The Writing Process: Paragraphs
- 6.1 The Writing Process for Paragraphs
- 6.2 Choosing a Topic and Scope for a Paragraph
- 6.3 Writing a Topic Sentence
- 6.4 Choosing an Organizational Pattern
- 6.5 Drafting a Paragraph
- 6.6 Revising and Editing a Paragraph
- 6.7 Submitting a Paragraph
- Chapter 6 Review
Chapter 7: The Writing Process: Longer Texts
- 7.1 Preparing to Write a Longer Text
- 7.2 Understanding Genre and Purpose
- 7.3 Choosing a Topic and Scope for a Longer Text
- 7.4 Writing a Thesis or Purpose Statement
- 7.5 Organizing and Outlining a Longer Paper
- 7.6 Writing with Technology
- 7.7 Writing a First Draft
- 7.8 Using Paragraphs Effectively
- 7.9 Revising a Longer Text
- 7.10 Participating in Peer Review
- 7.11 Submitting a Longer Text
- Chapter 7 Review
Chapter 8: Research
- 8.1 Researching and Writing Responsibly
- 8.2 Making a Research Plan
- 8.3 Organizing the Research Process
- 8.4 Identifying Types of Sources
- 8.5 Evaluating the Credibility of Sources
- 8.6 Applying MLA Styles and Formatting
- 8.7 Applying APA Styles and Formatting
- Chapter 8 Review